
Tweeter Bot

Created a Twitter-like platform with a client simulator and an integrated engine for tasks like registration and tweet dispatches. Leveraging a WebSocket interface with the Gossip protocol ensured efficient tweet exchanges. The robust system built with Erlang capably managed 5,000 concurrent simulated clients.

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Kubernetes Integration with Python-CGI

Designed and deployed a Flask web app with a UI enabling users to run Kubernetes operations using plain English commands. The platform integrates features like custom pod naming, specific deployments, port-oriented service exposure, and replica adjustments, all presented with a straightforward menu guide.

Project Link

Live Streaming Video Chat App

Contributed to the creation of a multi-user Live Streaming Video Chat App using Python’s CV2 module, integrating socket programming for real-time communication and ensuring an optimized user experience.

Project Link

High Availability Proxy Load Balancer

Participated in the deployment of a scalable load balancer on AWS using Ansible, optimized to support a million users, while streamlining the automation of multiple web server setups.

Project Link

Website Development

Designed and implemented robotic electronics blog, meticulously optimizing content and user experience, which resulted in consistently attracting an organic monthly traffic of 10,000 users, showcasing the site’s growing popularity and relevance in the niche.

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